Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Two Down One To Go

The Better Way: The Church of Agape in Emerging Corinth

When Paul came to Corinth he found a culture emerging from the ashes of Roman power. As Julius Cesar rebuilt the fallen city he brought Roman culture to this Greek community. Likewise, Paul's message of salvation in Jesus rebuilt the fallen lives of people dominated by a culture of power. This power was displayed in violence, discrimination, sexuality, and spirituality. As this city emerged from the ashes of humiliation the church emerged, by God's hand, from the humiliation of Jesus and the cross.

Today the church emerges in a culture of power, humiliation, and fear. Paul's challenge for the church is to be mature and practice unconditional love. This love is permanent. This love develops and empowers others. This love causes us to be in relationship with God and others. Through this love God's people see face to face. The church can emerge to radiate love, peace, and empowerment."

From the Introduction
In Ron Clark’s experienced hands, the problematic Corinthian church becomes a laboratory where the 21st century church learns again how to be a kingdom of love. The Apostle Paul and Ron Clark join hands to help us find our way to church in the 21st century US.
Dr. Kent Yinger, George Fox Evangelical Seminary

I signed a contract in January to author 3 books. Freeing the Oppressed was published in September. The Better Way will be available next week. The final book in the series Am I Sleeping With the Enemy is now being edited and proofed for publishing. All three are available from http://www.wipfandstock.com/

I am taking a break! A long break from writing!
Thanks for everyone's support in this.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Three books! Congratulations...long break from writing well-earned!