Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Cry Instead of Justice

"Within a book widely touted as the path to peace, violence has incongruously been central to the Bible and how it is used. This collection book examines the manifestations of violence in Scripture, and the ways that Scripture itself – whether violent in content or not – can be used to justify violence and aggression in specific social circumstances."

From the Introduction

Finally released--A Cry Instead of Justice: The Bible and Cultures of Violence in Psychological Perspective. A book just published from four years of papers presented at the national Society of Biblical Lit. conference. I remember many of our sessions and the discussions we had with each other afterward. I contribute...d two of the chapters--however its a book I can't even afford to buy! $105!!! One chapter discusses Bible verses abusers use to oppress their partners, the other is a critique of the "Left Behind" series. Dereck and Andrew have been working on this for two years. Even though the cost is high glad they finished the project. Great topics.

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